Don't Give 2 Ducks about second or third houses? You should!

Well, everybody else is at it, so I felt I ought to join in.

What about those MPs eh? Fancy, all this time they've been exploiting the expenses system something rotten...I don't know why we're all acting so surprised - clearly, if you have a system that regulates itself, and allows people to hide what they're claiming for, then people like MPs are going to take advantage of it.

What I thought was particularly funny were all the old Tory guys with their country estates, Gentlemen's Residences, etc., claiming for their moats, their forests, and all sorts of crap, including manure, and the best one, a little house for the ducks (this last guy even argued that it was OK cus he was a rich Tory, and that ordinary people were just jealous of his house, and had no right to know what he was up to anyway!

Presumably the ducks also had nests on the land, so the floating house was their second home...


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