Andy's 12 or so days of Christmas: Day One

So here we are at the start of Andy's 12 or so Days of Christmas, and I think we can be sure that I will be sick of typing that, by the time we get to whichever day i get sick of the whole thing. And just to be clear, I am already sick of the whole thing, with regard to Christ ma soddin' wallet's empty, man, which seemed to start around the day after Bonfire Nite, and was in full hue and desperate cry by the time we hit December.

And so, another year over, and what have we done, etc.. and what has the world done to be proud of? I'll come back to this one.

Wednesday 10th December 2008 finds almost everyone, up a slimy brown creek, ( OK a croc of a creek) without any sort of paddling implement, and so are having to either use their bare hands (not nice) or get out and push, or sell their soul to their own particular devil, or just throw them selves in the deep blue sea.

This is turning into a bit of a rant. Sorry peeps , as a former, still quite funny, comic used to say, on that show presented by that other even more former comedian and ex-human being, the very rich, but sadly no longer with us, Mr Ben Elton John (his uncle is probably funnier and more socially aware these days!


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