Im Palin Obama on the sword of untruth

What is the matter with these people:

This woman is one evil little shit, and hopfully will get all hers in this world and the next.

Ooh bit of politics, and er religion, as Ben would say, many years ago before he went corporate. To think we used to look forward to those Friday Night Live slots all week, loved and lived Blackadder to the bitter end, and now what does he do - a collaboration with the Germans, er Lloyd Webber, a musical with Queen (!) and now, (2003) Tonight's The Night based on the songs of Rod Stewart - shame on you Ben. What next, a musical based on the life of Adolf Hitler (shame, been done) or maybe George Bush - well he's already written a song for him.

Criticism from Wiki:
Anne Robinson put Ben Elton into Room 101 in protest at his hosting the Royal Variety Performance. She argued that he should be sent to the room "for being a total and utter hypocrite and going back on everything he stood for in the 80s and 90s". He was put in for a second time (the only person ever to experience this dishonour) in 2007 by comedian Mark Steel. In his 2005 show Stand-up Comedian, comic Stewart Lee remarked upon the fact that Ben Elton is more widely despised than Osama Bin Laden due to the fact that the latter has "at least lived his life according to a consistent set of ethical principles".

Toby Young summarises similar criticisms when he writes:

Ben Elton. Do you know this guy? He started out as an "alternative" comedian, railing against Thatcherism and the like, and now earns a fortune writing the librettos for truly awful West End musicals. I mean, his name has become a byword for shameless hackery. He's the biggest sell-out of his generation.



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