Philosophy Football Week One

"All that I know most surely about morality and obligations, I owe to football"

A cut out and keep guide to Philosophy Football, in 100 weekly parts, which builds into the ultimate collection of football thinking, writing and other stuff.

This is where it all started really, for philosophy in football.

Camus and football

Albert Camus was once asked by his friend Charles Poncet which he preferred, football or the theatre. Camus is said to have replied, "Football, without hesitation."

Camus played as goalkeeper for Racing Universitaire Algerios (RUA won both the North African Champions Cup and the North African Cup twice each in the 1930s) junior team from 1928–30. The sense of team spirit, fraternity, and common purpose appealed to Camus enormously. In match reports Camus would often attract positive comment for playing with passion and courage.

Any aspirations in football disappeared at age 17, upon contracting tuberculosis—then incurable, Camus was bedridden for long and painful periods. When Camus was asked in the 1950s by an alumni sports magazine for a few words regarding his time with the RUA, his response included the following:

After many years during which I saw many things, what I know most surely about morality and the duty of man I owe to sport and learned it in the RUA.

Camus was referring to a sort of simplistic morality he wrote about in his early essays, the principle of sticking up for your friends, of valuing bravery and fair-play. Camus' belief was that political and religious authorities try to confuse us with over-complicated moral systems to make things appear more complex than they really are, potentially to serve their own needs.



Carson Cutymalt said…
Now I always liked Camus (contrasting him probably unfairly with Sartre, since I preferred La Peste to Les Main Sales at 'A' level) and I haven't sullied my opinion by exposure to any of his other works. Quelque fois, c'est meilleur ne savoir pas tout.. All the better to remain pretentious.

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